Three New SBC Representatives

Three New SBC Representatives Join SBC Discipleship Ministry and Expand Outreach

(Article by Ted Groves)

In September of 2014 I was blessed and privileged to travel to Egypt and Africa to conduct three SBC Discipleship Conferences in three new locations: Alexandria, Egypt; Arusha, Tanzania; and Bujumbura, Burundi, Africa. I am excited and very pleased to introduce three new SBC Representatives from these areas in this article.

First, let me acknowledge a great debt of gratitude to the Lord, of course, and many of the saints of God at Grace Community Church (my home church) and others who made this trip possible. We have many diligent workers who do all sorts of things in preparation for such a major trip. Back in the Spring of 2014, Kathy Hillery again headed up our annual plant sale at GCC which provides much needed financial assistance. All of the workers who participated did so as a labor of love for mission outreach of the Gospel and a growing excitement over the new partnerships we are forming in the SBC Discipleship ministry. We are also blessed with very dedicated and committed workers on our Missions Committee, who make decisions and carry out the distribution of finances necessary for all our mission outreach. There are also certain believers outside our church whom God has raised up to make significant financial contributions to make such trips possible.

My traveling companion on this trip was Samuel Mitrofan of Romania, a dear brother who is the SBC Representative in Eastern Europe. We have traveled together before. In 2006 Samuel and I traveled together throughout Romania and he was my translator and guide for several SBC conferences in that country. Samuel also accompanied me for an SBC conference in Tarija, Bolivia in January of 2013. Sami has conducted SBC conferences in many different countries and is one of our most faithful workers.


First Stop: Alexandria Egypt …

We were greatly honored to receive an invitation from Pastor Radi Iskander and his church in Alexandria to conduct an SBC Discipleship Conference for Pastors and church leaders in his area. It was a wonderful opportunity to visit the beautiful ancient city of Alexandria on the Mediterranean. Pastor Radi was an excellent host, and we are very pleased that he is the new SBC Representative for Egypt. I was privileged to preach to Pastor Radi’s congregation on Sunday morning. Many expressed how encouraged they were by the message about the ultimate conquest of the Kingdom of God and our part in carrying out the Great Commission.

The SBC Discipleship Conference was held in a beautiful retreat compound owned by the Presbyterian denomination in Alexandria. There were between 40 and 50 participants and they were very attentive and responsive. Participants received a copy of the SBC book in Arabic. Pastor Radi and his friend Adel are board members for “Hope for the World,” and we met with them to discuss future plans for the SBC Discipleship ministry along the Nile River in Egypt. Pastor Radi is a very capable worker and we look forward to good success for the SBC Discipleship ministry in Egypt under his leadership.

We were also met by our dear brother Bayak Puoch at the conference in Alexandria. He and several other Sudanese refugees traveled to the SBC conference in Alexandria from Cairo. Bayak is the new SBC Representative for the Naath Community of Sudanese Refugees in Cairo. He has a great heart for his people and the work of discipleship.

 Second Stop: Arusha, Tanzania …

Our contact in Arusha was Simon Samwell, a personal friend of Samuel Mitrofan. This conference was well attended with over 100 pastors, leaders and other Christians representing their various area churches. The conference was held in Simon’s church in Lorlivani. Pastor Peter was a very gracious host and the many workers from his church provided wonderful food, fellowship and excellent worship times. The participants here were also very receptive and responsive. They rejoiced in the great truths from God’s Word and gave every indication that they were excited about a renewed charge to engage with the world-wide church of Christ in the great work of discipleship in obedience to Christ’s Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).Pastor Ted and Simon

We enjoyed warm hospitality from Pastor Peter and his church, Simon and his wife Claudia, Shadrach (our driver) and his wife Ruth, and many others. We are very encouraged about Simon Samwell becoming the new SBC Representative in Tanzania. Simon sent pictures and a written report of his first SBC conference less that a month after I had returned to the states. Since then, he has already completed another conference, for which he sent additional pictures and written report.

Third Stop: Bujumbura, Burundi (Africa) …

The original impetus for the planning of this entire trip was an invitation from my dear friend Prosper Ndabishuriye to attend his church’s 25th anniversary in Bujumbura. The anniversary itself was an extraordinary event with around 1500 people in attendance at this outdoor celebration. There were many dignitaries in attendance including the head of the Presbyterian Church in Kenya, who was the keynote speaker (in a service that lasted 5 hours!). The service was followed by a wonderful meal, which served over 1500 people. Prosper was one of the two founding pastors of this church 25 years ago.

The SBC Discipleship Conference in Bujumbura began the next day, Monday, after the anniversary celebration. There were between 40 and 50 pastors and leaders in attendance at the Anglican Retreat Center in Bujumbura. These leaders also seemed hungry to receive the SBC Discipleship teaching. The participants received a copy of the SBC book in the Kirundi language and were attentive and receptive. I met several pastors and leaders from other area churches who expressed a desire to be partners in the SBC Discipleship ministry. There was an invitation to teach the SBC conference in the Congo sometime in the future.Pastor Ted & Andre

One of the faithful leaders in Prosper’s church, Andre Nzaniye, was appointed to be the SBC Representative for Burundi. We have received communication from Andre concerning his plans for their first SBC conference in the near future. I have also received email communication in follow-up from the Burundi conference in Bujumbura, from some of those leaders, indicating their intention to work with Andre in the implementation of the SBC Discipleship ministry.

To God be the Glory! …

Praise the Lord for His blessing on the SBC Discipleship ministry in 2014! I am continually amazed and blessed as we receive reports and pictures of SBC Discipleship ministry around the world! Furthermore, all of these workers are mutually encouraged as they receive reports from their brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, and as they view images and see the faces of their brothers and sisters on the SBC web site. This is a wonderful ministry partnership centered on cooperative efforts in the church of Christ around the world to carry out Christ’s Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-30). If we remain faithful and serve with pure hearts, I am confident that the Lord Jesus will continue to answer our prayers to bless and give good success to this ministry, because it is clearly an effort to do His will expressed in the words of the Great Commission. And one day, by God’s grace, we will all rejoice together to see the fruits of our efforts in Christ’s eternal kingdom.



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