

SBC CONF PASTOR HENRY AT HMAWBI TOWNSHIP YANGON, MYANMAR JAN 30,2024   Dear GCC Missions Team, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ from Myanmar. We conducted SBC 1st training at Myanmar Bible College, Hmawbi Township, Yangon, Myanmar. A division of about 30 people attends our training. Including men, women and young adults. It ha...
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SBC CONF PASTOR KUMAR PRASANNA AT KONDAANJULURU AND VENKATAPURAM JAN 2,2025   Dear reverend Ted, Joel, Christine, Karen, Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus   I have been reading that President Trump is on the way to making America Godly. I am praying that God will work on the process.  I am attaching the photos...
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SBC conf pastors Bayak Puoch Gatluak Khat in South Sudan January 30, 2025     Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior amen. We are very excited that the Lord has made it possible for us to conduct the second spiritual conference with protection for the civilians here at this site or UNMISS/United Nations M...
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SBC CONF PASTOR SIMON SAMWEL AT KIDYAMA, TANZANIA January 18-19,2025     Dear Brother Joel Ebert Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are delighted that the Lord has allowed us to hold this SBC Conference in Kidyama on Jan 18-19,2025. The conference brought together people from various places in Kidyama.  We ...
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SBC CONF PASTOR DAROGA KISHORE AT KRISHNARAIDUPETA OF VEPADA MANDAL, VIZANAGARAM DIST INDIA January 1, 2025   Dear Honored Servants of the Most Holy God, Greetings to you in Jesus' Name. I wish you all a very Healthy and Prosperous New Year 2025. We are expecting a lot of blessings to many people through our SBC Discipleship Seminars (Tea...
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SBC CONF PASTOR GUMMADI EBENEZER AT BOLUSULAPALEM BAPATLA DIST ANDHRA PRADESH STATE, INDIAJanuary 2-3,2025My Dear Most Beloved Joel Ebert and SBC Team LeadersLoving greetings to you in His precious name.I want to share with you all through these few lines. We felt pleased and thankful to God for our SBC conference, held January 2-3,2025 at Bolusula...
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SBC CONF PASTOR HENRY AT SHWEPYITHAR YANGON, MYANMAR DEC 1,2024   Dear Missions Team, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ from Myanmar. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! I hope you all are doing well in the ministry. I am sorry for the delay in reporting to you. In this December report, we have had many sc...
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SBC CONF PASTOR SIMON SAMWEL AT OLASITI, TANZANIA DEC 20-22, 2024   Dear Joel Ebert Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are very grateful to the Lord for Olasiti SBC Conference held on  December 20-22, 2024. This conference brought together pastors and church elders from Olasiti. We taught all the lessons, and all of ...
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SBC CONF PASTOR GUMMADI EBENEZER AT JAMPANI, GUNTUR DIST , INDIA DEC 2-3,2024     My Dear Most Beloved Joel Ebert and SBC Team Leaders Christmas Loving greetings to you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.   It is my pleasure to meet you through these few lines with you all regarding the SBC Conference held 2024-December 2,3&n...
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SBC CONF PASTOR DAROGA KISHORE AT LOLUGU VILLAGE PONDUR MANDAL OF SRIKAKULAM DIST, INDIA NOV 11-12,2024   Dear Honored Servants of the Most Holy God, Greetings to you in Jesus' Name. We are delighted to inform you that we did organize our SBC Discipleship Seminars were very successful. We selected very good places to hold our Seminars. Th...
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