Dear Nels and Ted
Greetings from Poland.

I trust that you are having a good time this summer. We are very busy at the church.
Two weeks ago we finished childrens camp, it was a real blessing for us.
Next Saturday we expect 15 people from Ukraine - Mariupol, it is the place where the battle is, we invited these youths, because we want to give them a little bit of a rest from the war.

My health is not so well, I have a problem with my intestines and I am on a very strict diet.
During a 5 day span I lost 6 kilo (lbs.) but I believe that after the strict treatment (diet - serving from Jola) soon everything will be back to normal and the right way again.

I am asking you, Nels - if your proposal, that you gave me, for the new places, where we will teach SBC, if your church is willing to help us.
For now I need help. Since the 1st of September I will start teaching in Bielsko-Biala, I will travel there every Tuesday, and 19 of September I will teach the whole Saturday in Koszalin.
I will not travel, because it is too far, it is 650 km from us. And I have to by a new copy machine (used one), because the old one what I used (21 years old) is broken, and I cannot buy a new parts. Such a copy machine cost around $ 200. So my request to you brothers is could you help me in these three points: transportation SBC materials for two churches and a copy machine?

In His service

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